A hybrid operating room is a surgical room equipped with advanced medical imaging devices, such as fixed C-arms, CT scans, or MRI scans. These imaging devices allow a minimally invasive surgery, which is less traumatic for the patient.

These operating rooms are an ideal work area that combines imaging equipment with a multifunctional surgical table. It allows doctors to diagnose and treat in one place, which reduces risks and delays, improves patient safety and, ultimately, reduces costs. The tabletop of the surgical table not only meets the needs of several surgical disciplines, but also compensates the need to make a panoramic when used for advanced imaging, it is considered the surgery of the future.

The benefits that hybrid operating rooms provide to patients include the following:

  • Smaller injuries and less trauma mean faster recovery and better quality of care.
  • More innovative treatments to obtain better results, in addition to shorter procedures that can reduce the amount of anesthesia per procedure and exposure to X-rays.

Work in this area allows doctors the following:

  • Improved coordination and helps reduce the duration of the procedure with an online diagnosis.
  • Better imaging for better diagnosis and surgical precision
  • Increased security thanks to direct control.

As for the hospitals that have this type of hybrid operating rooms, they are characterized by the following:

  • Attracts and retains the best talent
  • Keeps complex cases in the hospital itself and in safe areas
  • Reduces the duration of procedures, allowing more procedures per day
  • The patient perceives the facilities as modern and cutting-edge
  • Time saving due to direct control, without waiting for the next day
  • The hospitalization of the patient is shorter.

A hybrid operating room is an economic investment, but it is also an investment in patient outcomes and staff satisfaction.

The innovative imaging-guided surgical procedures that we have today will soon be the standard in medical care. When planning your new facilities, it is important to focus on current needs and workflows, but also on the technologies and tools of the future of rapid evolution.

Physicians and patients will demand access to the technologies that allow these surgical procedures, either in large university medical centers or in a smaller local hospital.

Modern surgical tables incorporate state-of-the-art equipment and solutions designed for minimally invasive operations, allowing you to perform more complex procedures and improve the results obtained by the patient. Each hybrid operations room is unique. Because these rooms allow a wide variety of multidisciplinary and flexible uses of your operating room, which means a quick return on investment and high profitability.

These and other innovations are also possible in Pharmamedic.