Brainwashing, also called mind control, coercive persuasion, thought reform, indoctrination or reeducation.

Have you been a victim of the reform of your thinking in terms of attitudes, values and beliefs?

Brainwashing is the concept that the human mind can be altered or controlled by certain psychological techniques, and consists of the application of various persuasion techniques, whether coercive or not, such as the selective granting of rewards or gifts.

Brainwashing is said to reduce the subject’s ability to think critically or independently, to allow the introduction of new unwanted thoughts and ideas into their minds.

In the same way, brainwashing allows an individual or society to change attitudes, values, beliefs, conduct, thoughts and behavior, with the purpose of exercising political, moral or any other type of redirection or control over them.

In informal language, the expression brainwashing is also used in a figurative sense to describe the use of propaganda in culture to persuade or influence public opinion.

The concept of brainwashing should not be confused with lobotomy, which is a surgical operation on the brain.

Brainwashing, its metaphor is clear and resounding, generating the idea of a radical transformation in the subject when it occurs, a “total” change of identity of the subject, even attributing a magical and hidden character to this methodology. It is for this reason and, due to its polarized and absolutist characteristic, that it is not a term favored by researchers and academics, especially in reference to the psychological event.

Throughout history, various forms of control of the thoughts of individuals have been used, but it has been the totalitarian societies of the 20th century that have first applied scientific knowledge to improve brainwashing techniques, and that today . It is applied as a healing method in psychiatry, frequently supported by the use of drugs that inhibit the patient’s cognitive abilities.

Other supports used secularly in brainwashing are starvation and protein deprivation, which produce confusion in the ability to reason, and sleep deprivation, which causes stress and confusion.

In thirty days a brainwashing is achieved, and although no programming is irreversible, if the individual accepts it for a considerable period of time, there is no turning back, as seen in the followers of various creeds and philosophies.

Some academics prefer to separate the concept of brainwashing from other more precise psychological terms to refer to, keeping the first only for typical use in the culture of its generic meaning.

Coercive persuasion would be a more precise academic psychological concept, which encompasses persuasion activities that people or groups could exercise against individuals.

When going through a brainwashing process, the person’s identity is stripped away to build a new one, but that does not mean that the previous one disappears, but rather that it is stored in the unconscious.

Deprogramming process:

Deprogramming is the process of freeing someone from the mental control to which they have been subjected.

To achieve deprogramming, especially of the most destructive control, the concurrence of several circumstances is necessary, such as:

  • Separation of the controlling group.
  • Physical rest.
  • Adequate nutrition.
  • Perseverance.
  • Establish relationships of mutual trust.
  • Communicate with the person to find out their situation (Do you want to continue? Do you feel doubts about the goodness of those who have controlled you? Are you disenchanted but afraid?).
  • Develop identity models: what the person was like before entering, what the personality model imposed by mental control is like and what personality they adopt within the controlling structure (initiated, with some responsibility, controller…).
  • Put people in touch with the original identity. This is why it is so difficult to deprogram children who do not have a previous personality to recover.
  • Manage to change the perspective from which the controlled person looks (the one imposed on him by the controlling group).
  • Interrupt the self-deception that the controlled person has been systematically taught to do when they feel doubt about what they have been taught.

End the phobias that have been implanted in the person so that they do not leave the group and show them the well-being that can be obtained outside the group.

Explain to the controlled person the characteristics of the mental control that he or she has suffered.

Finally we can say that brainwashing can be perpetrated at all levels, from the family and work level to the indoctrination of an entire society, such as:

Brainwashing in the educational, religious and totalitarian regimes.

Now how to get rid of brainwashing, this state can generally be abandoned through two methods. Either the person realizes this through a traumatic event, or an attempt is made to “rescue” them in a therapeutic way.


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