Masks and their correct use for the best protection.

Surgical or hygiene masks prevent the transmission of infectious agents to the patient from the health personnel who use them. Likewise, they serve to reduce the transmission of germs.

They also have the purpose of avoiding contact with splashes of potentially pathogenic fluids and blood.

Use masks if you have a cough or sneeze. If you need to use a face mask, learn how to use and dispose of it correctly.

For masks to work, they must be used properly.

Choose the mask with the most protection that you can wear comfortably for a long time. Also, it should completely cover your mouth and nose. As well as fit perfectly to the sides of your face without leaving spaces.

The use of masks not only protects our health, but also contributes to public health.

Benefits of using face masks correctly

  • Face masks serve to reduce the transmission of germs.
  • Hand hygiene with 70% alcohol gel.
  • Face masks are only effective if combined with frequent hand washing with soap and water when removing them.
  • Hygienic masks, which are the most common, should not be used for more than 4 hours.
  • If the mask becomes damaged, dirty or wet, it must be discarded.
  • The face mask has a flexible nose bridge at the top of the nose to close and accommodate. This is why it avoids spaces that allow the entry of air or external fluids.
  • The N95 designation indicates that the respirator filters at least 95% of particles found in the air.
  • Do not use masks with valves.
  • You must ensure that the folds of the mask are facing down.

Consequences of wearing a face mask every day:

  • Its continued use can affect the skin of the lower third of the face, due to use for long periods of time.
  • Masks are a place of overgrowth of bacteria, fungi.
  • Prolonged use of face masks causes the appearance of dermatitis on the face, fungus, canker sores, gingivitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis.

To conclude, masks are a simple but powerful tool to combat the spread of infectious diseases. For this reason, by using them correctly and consistently, we can protect ourselves and others.

I invite you to read another article:
WHO: Mpox “Monkeypox” Outbreak declared a public emergency

WHO: Mpox “Monkeypox” Outbreak declared a public emergency


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