Nowadays, we are no longer talking about a traditional economy, but one that goes beyond the standards of quality, safety, speed and efficiency. It’s about cryptocurrencies. A creation based on the Blockchain system that is precisely responsible for making the financial life of people, is executed by a simpler and more profitable system that does not depend on intermediaries to operate.

The Neapolis corporation, using this new technology, gives rise to a new eventual project called “Rome Crypto Mundi” and its cryptocurrency called iCashWeb, which not only works as a digital currency, but also allows you to acquire great benefits from the Pharmamedic platform .

Now, what is Pharmamedic and why do you need it in your life?

Pharmamedic is a platform also created by Neapolis, based on a set of services that include: Home health assistance, medical care or visit to clinics, delivery of home medicines, diagnostic guidance for any pathology, among others.

But … Who is it for? How could you have access to it and what benefits would it provide?

This new system is aimed at three main users: investors, entrepreneurs and people who want to have quality medical services anywhere in the world and opt for the possibility of acquiring more services without having to invest again.

This profitable benefit is possible thanks to the iCashWeb cryptocurrency, because it is used as a token (means of payment) to acquire Pharmamedic services, and for the simple fact of being a cryptocurrency, which we know progressively increases its value, it would be inferring that the first investment you make in this platform, over time will increase in value and therefore you can receive more services for the same initial amount.

It’s something magically incredible, but clearly possible.

If you want to be part of this new medicinal age, learn more about our Rome Cripto Mundi project, invest in iCashWeb and become an immortal.