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Technological advances do not leave out these three most used teams in society.

In all three cases, the advance will be aimed at the screens, which will be increasingly larger and offer a better image quality, without leaving out the most innovative of roll-up TV screens for this year.

In the line of Oled TVs, the most recent, is the E7 model, which comes on a glass, with integrated sound bar, self-luminous pixels, capable of reproducing the perfect black and with a sound in 360 degrees that will make you feel in a movie theater. For its part, the Oled W7 with only 2.57 millimeters thick and the ability to adhere to the wall, is a revolution if we remember the tube TVs.

On the other hand, the transformation of computers has evolved, with the idea of ​​very small computers, light and easy to move as well as the speed in the information process at a speed greater than light.

Harvard University has investigated for a long time to create a material that allows light travel faster than through “normal materials.”

So far it is based only on one experiment. Another of the great investigations that can mark the future of computers as we know them today is quantum computing. What you want is to lighten this computing time and already the first prototypes of quantum computers can multiply by one thousand the speed of processing.

These and other innovations are now possible in Pharmamedic.
