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We must know that wounds are breaks in the flesh with an instrument, or by a strong shock with a hard body.

This breakage of tissues in the skin, mucous membranes or viscera that expose more internal structures with more or less injury depending on the intensity and aggression of it. In other cases, it could be a sore or ulcer that forms anywhere on the body and often takes a long time to heal.

For the improvement of these types of wounds much faster, a finding could have good use in the future for healing, with the creation of a component of platelets, made with blood of people, to be used in bandaging their wounds, especially in patients with diseases such as diabetes that are delayed in the healing process.

A group of researchers from the University of Cincinnati confirmed that the gel composed of platelets derived from the patient’s blood could prevent infections in wounds and lighten their improvement. However, the Director of this University, says that it is still unclear how these gels would influence the process of healing wounds in healthy people.

However, the Director of the Division of Plastic Surgery of the University of Columbia, affirms that the speed observed in the process of improvement of wounds in healthy people is not important enough to consider that the use of the gel is profitable; It is a matter essi would have the same action in patients with multiple fractures, who receive radiation or in diabetics.

These and other innovations are now possible in Pharmamedic.
