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Orchitis is the inflammation of one or both testicles that is accompanied by intense pain.

It can be caused by viruses or bacteria transmitted through sex or urinary tract infections. Orchitis typical is that which occurs in the context of mumps or parotitis, especially in men who have already passed puberty. The mumps virus belongs to the family Paramyxoviridae, and it is relatively easily infected by droplets of saliva from infected people even though they have no symptoms. In general, when inflammation and testicular pain appear or increase in size, it is necessary to consult the doctor.

Other viruses that can produce orchitis are the Coxsackie viruses of group B, which is transmitted by contaminated hands and objects and which can typically appear in the form of outbreaks, especially in collectivities. Another virus that can sometimes cause orchitis is that of lymphocyte choriomeningitis, with a picture of testicular inflammation between 1-3 weeks after the onset of fever. Adenoviruses can also affect the testicles.

Symptoms: the testicle swells and hurts, the scrotum turns red, fever, discomfort when sitting, presence of blood and semen in the urine and discharge of pus from the tip of the penis. Thanks to the vaccine, this picture is fortunately becoming less frequent, they resolve spontaneously in a couple of weeks and usually without leaving sequels. Bacterial orchitis requires antibiotic treatment for its cure. In addition to vaccinating all children for mumps, adolescents and men must be taught that the best way to protect their testicles and their sexual health is safe sex and the use of condoms.

For the diagnosis of orchitis the doctor will perform a complete physical examination, especially in the exploration of the genitals, a simple urine test will be performed to look for signs of infection. It is also common to request a culture of urine to identify the germ that causes orchitis in cases caused by bacteria. If the cause is suspected to be a sexually transmitted disease, a sample of secretion from the urethra would also be collected. And another test would be the ultrasound of the scrotum, to identify the affected structures and rule out other types of diseases that can be confused with orchitis.

They can be applied in cases caused by viruses:

  • Rest according to the needs of man and his general condition.
  • Elevate the scrotum and use a tight underpants.
  • Apply cold compresses or ice wrapped in a towel.
  • Paracetamol or ibuprofen help relieve pain and fever.
  • You should not have sex and do it, you should use a condom, or make excessive efforts.

One of the ways to prevent orchitis is getting mumps. To avoid bacterial orchitis, the most important measure is to maintain safe sexual relationships: with a healthy stable partner, or with condom use in the case of having several partners or promiscuous or sporadic relationships. In addition to avoiding orchitis, other sexually transmitted diseases are prevented.

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