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SUPER FIBRE is recommended for a healthy intestine, contains a high content of dietary fiber and contributes mainly to increased fecal volume and normal bowel function. Intestinal function is essential to have good health and prevent diseases. The microbes that live in our intestines since we are born have an enormous importance in almost every aspect of our being. It is important, therefore, to take into account the diversity of these microorganisms when preparing a diet.

The food you eat not only gives you nutrients, but also feeds the bacteria that live in your body.

So, how should we feed ourselves to keep our gut healthy?

Each person is different, but if you want to improve your digestion, lose weight or simply take care of your general health there are some fundamental principles that can be applied to everyone.

These are some of the foods that experts recommend:

  • Vegetables: Artichokes, chicory, lettuce, tarragon or salsify, as well as leeks, shallots, onions, garlic and asparagus.
  • Fiber: Fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts and whole grains feed our gut bacteria in a healthy way.
  • Probiotics: Probiotic foods, such as yogurt, can promote the development of some good microbes for our intestines, because they remain active and contribute to the balance of the intestinal flora.

Therefore, if your diet is low in fiber, a sudden increase can cause inflammation. Therefore, SUPER FIBRE comes to take good care of our intestines.

Learn more about health in Pharmamedic.
