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The Pill is a solid pharmaceutical product that contains one or several active ingredients with therapeutic activity and excipients such as glucose syrups, formulated in size and form for proper use.

They are obtained by agglomerating, by compression, a constant volume of particles. They have storage characteristics and portion security for the patient’s use. Currently a study in a considerable number of patients conducted by a group of scientists at the University of Nottingham, a pill that combines three different drugs could save many lives. The results of this investigation show that this polypill prolongs the life of people with a history of coronary disease.

A few years ago, British scientists said that a polypill that consisted of six drugs could reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes in people over 55 years by eighty percent.

These polypills provide an accurately measured dose of active ingredient in a convenient portable package, and can be designed to protect unstable medications or disguise difficult-to-digest ingredients. Color coatings, embossing and printing can be used to aid the recognition of tablets. Various processes and manufacturing techniques can provide the tablets with special properties, such as, for example, sustained release tablets or fast dissolving formulations.

These and other innovations are also possible in Pharmamedic.
