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In the sole of the foot there is a thick band of tissue called the plantar fascia, which extends from the heel to the bones of the ball of the foot (point where the fingers begin).

The function of this band is to tighten the base of the foot maintaining the plantar curvature, and cushion the impact derived from the act of displacement on the sole of the foot. Sports, excess weight, or improper footwear can damage it.

Plantar fasciitis is the inflammation of the plantar fascia due, generally, to an excess of use (very common in athletes), a stretch of it, or the presence of certain predisposing factors. These situations usually generate in the tissue a series of microtrauma that the organism does not have time to repair, so that they end up producing its degeneration.

For correction, most of the time you will resort to medical treatment and rehabilitation, and in rare cases to surgery

Most cases of plantar fasciitis occur in active male individuals between 40 and 70 years old. It is also a very common problem among runners

To prevent plantar fasciitis, about whether you are a regular runner or suffer from this problem too often:

  • Avoid overweight and obesity, because the extra kilos subject the plantar fascia to an additional effort.
  • Always wear appropriate shoes, especially for walking and exercising.
  • If possible change your running shoes frequently, and use a correction template if necessary.
  • Avoid standing for a long time or walking barefoot, as well as shoes without support, such as certain sandals or slippers.
  • When practicing exercise, alternate walks with other activities that have no impact on the fascia, such as swimming and riding a bicycle.
  • When you walk or run, try to be on smooth and flat surfaces, changing the asphalt for softer terrain and less harmful to the fascia.
  • You can use some type of bandage or support that cushions your footprint better.
  • Do calf stretching exercises regularly.
  • If you suffer from plantar fasciitis after running, you can apply ice to the area.
  • There are some massages and therapies that can not only alleviate the pain of the factitis but prevent its appearance. Check with your head physio.

Always take care of your health with a unique and efficient service. Visit Pharmamedic.
