Arachnophobia is a mental health problem, it is an irrational and unhealthy fear of spiders.

Arachnophobia is a fairly common specific phobia that affects many people around the world. Certainly, it can be overcome with therapy and you can regain control of your life.

An irrational fear of spiders can interfere with a person’s normal activities, limiting their quality of life. For example, it can cause a person to avoid going for walks in the countryside or going to a campsite.


  • Dizziness.
  • Tremors.
  • Nausea.
  • Increased blood pressure.
  • Accelerated breathing.
  • Cold sweats.
  • Catastrophic thoughts about what will happen
  • Feeling of loss of control over your own body.
  • You feel anxiety when seeing or thinking about spiders or spider webs.
  • Your anxiety gets worse as you get closer to the encounter.


Arachnophobia can develop due to negative experiences with spiders regarding how to respond to these arthropod insects.

  • Traumatic experiences with a spider in the past can trigger the fear.
  • Observing others who are afraid of spiders can cause the child to learn and adopt that fear.
  • Cultural influence: In some cultures, spiders are associated with danger or negative meanings.

Treatment for arachnophobia:

The good news is that arachnophobia can be overcome. If the pathological behavior continues for more than six months, it is advisable to go to a psychologist.

The most effective treatments are based on cognitive-behavioral techniques, such as:
  • Gradual exposure.
  • Relaxation.
  • Cognitive restructuring.

In general, it is usual to use methods that expose the phobic person to the animal that terrifies him, shock therapy or systematic desensitization.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy, whether done in person, with a psychologist online, or at home, can help a person manage and cope with their fear of spiders. It can also help reduce the unpleasant thoughts associated with this fear.

Therefore, arachnophobia can significantly limit your quality of life, avoiding situations and places where you may encounter these arachnids. For this reason, a therapist specialized in phobias can help you develop a personalized treatment plan and accompany you throughout the process.

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