By Dr. Claudio Pagliara

Words represent the raw material we use to build our beliefs directly or indirectly, our choices, our life and our destiny.

Therefore, let us give due importance to the words we use.

Words can limit, condition, imprison or, on the contrary, they can empower and liberate. Words can be bridges or walls. The first thing to do, to make the effectiveness of words as a tool of liberation and communication more probable, is to know exactly the meaning of the words used, then, is to use the same words with the same meaning.

Health is a word of considerable importance because it represents an objective, but also, at the same time, an essential tool, of each human being; health, therefore, must be adequately defined.

Health is not the simple absence of disease, but a state of physical, mental, social and spiritual well-being. Health then, as a state of global well-being, is identified with happiness.

This definition of health makes it implicitly clear that the human being is not a one-dimensional being, but rather a multidimensional one. In fact, in the human being there is a biological, psychological, social and a spiritual dimension.

The spiritual dimension is not one of the many dimensions of the human being, but it represents the most important dimension because it determines and conditions all the other dimensions. “If you want to delve into this aspect you can do it through my popular science books.”

Diseases are the natural consequence of violating the laws of life. The laws to be respected concern both those of the material world and those of the immaterial and energetic world.

One of the most important laws of the immaterial world can be deduced from the mandate that every living being on this planet must obey. The command is not “survive”, but “realize yourself”. A difference, for some, apparently insignificant that, however, makes a difference.

It is no coincidence that in Sanskrit health (Swastha) means “to be oneself”. Swastha is made up of “Swa” which means “To Be” and “Stha” which means “to remain”, therefore health means to remain in oneself.

“Remain in oneself” to carry out the project of life.

Naturally God, or whoever it is, gives each living being all the necessary tools to reach this important and fascinating goal: “Realize your life project”.

Surely you will agree with me that “nothing happens by chance”. There are no causes without effects and there are no effects without causes.