The method to treat hematological malignancies was evolved with the approval last fall of the first product based on T-lymphocytes with chimeric antigen receptor (CAR), that is, cancer immunotherapy with CAR-T

Axicabtagen ciloleucel (YescartaTM, Kite Pharma) received FDA approval for the treatment of patients with relapsed or refractory non-Hodgkin’s non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma who are not eligible for autologous stem cell transplantation. This occurred after the FDA approved tisagenlecleucel-T (KymriahTM, Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation), indicated for use in pediatric patients and young adults (3 to 25 years old) with relapsed or refractory acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

This individualized treatment involves engineering the T lymphocytes of a patient to express a CAR that will then specifically target the CD19 antigen, a protein expressed on the cell surface of B lymphocytes and leukemias. The cells are then redirected to destroy the cancer cells, with spectacular results in some patients who otherwise had limited options or no treatment.

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