New drugs developed help combat high LDL cholesterol.

The drugs Inclisiran and Alirocumab belong to the new class of drugs known as “PCSK9 inhibitors.”

Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance found in all cells of the human body.


LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol are two types of lipoproteins and each has different functions.

LDL, known as “bad” cholesterol because a high level of LDL leads to a buildup of cholesterol in the arteries.

HDL, known as “good” cholesterol because it transports cholesterol from other parts of your body to your liver.

Currently, there are great advances in medicine to reduce this disease that when presenting high levels can even cause death if not controlled in time.

Thus, in clinical trials, Inclisiran, together with statins, has been shown to reduce LDL cholesterol in the body by more than 50%.

However, it should be noted that this drug can produce some side effects, such as pain, redness and rash at the injection site.

On the other hand, the drug Alirocumab reduces high levels of harmful cholesterol in the blood and is applied to those people who do not respond properly to other medications, including statins or intolerance to them.

The Evolocumab, another drug that is also part of the drugs called PCSK9, the antibodies focused on the liver to lower cholesterol levels.

The treatment allows a positive therapy against high levels of bad cholesterol, which would cause approximately 600 thousand deaths per year in the United States.

Likewise, one must be alert because it produces effects such as allergic reactions.

The new treatment with these drugs blocks the action of the so-called PCSK9 protein, which prevents the recycling of LDL receptors in our body.

In this sense, the application of these drugs for the treatment of bad cholesterol causes a lower level of LDL.

Consequently, it allows for healthier arteries, decreases heart attacks, strokes and other problems related to arteriosclerosis.

Finally, it should be noted that bad cholesterol (LDL) can cause plaque to build up on the inner walls of blood vessels, making it very dangerous.



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