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Aerobic activities

Cycling; Running at a moderate pace; Swimming; Skating.

Anaerobic activities

  • Short races at high speed
  • Artistic gymnastics
  • Medical ball throw
  • Football (considered an aerobic-anaerobic sport)

The aerobic and anaerobic concepts refer to the body’s way of obtaining energy: in need of oxygen (aerobic) and without the need for oxygen (anaerobic). Examples of aerobic exercises are: running, swimming, cycling, walking, etc.

Aerobic exercises: they increase the heart rate, work the muscles and make you breathe more quickly and with more strength.

Flexibility exercises: they can be stretching, rolling foam rubber cylinders by the body, yoga, tai chi and Pilates.

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Anaerobic exercise is physical exercise that includes brief, force-based activities, such as lifting weights, while aerobic exercise focuses on endurance activities, such as marathon or cross-country skating.

Aerobic power is the organic capacity to develop sustained physical activities over time with reduced fatigue and rapid recovery. … It is important to differentiate between aerobic exercises (long duration and low intensity) and anaerobic exercises (short duration and high intensity).

Sports or physical warm-up is a set of exercises of muscles and joints ordered in a gradual way in order to prepare the body for better physical performance and to avoid some type of muscle contraction or physical injury.

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