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Alcoholism or alcohol dependence is one of the main reasons for consulting mental health, and is characterized by excessive consumption of alcohol for a long time, which is dependent on it.

This act is considered a serious damage to health, which increases the risk of death as a result of liver diseases, cancer, depression, accidents, etc. However, many alcoholics do not recognize their problem and, therefore, never seek help to solve it, while in other cases the real reason for requesting assistance is that they have reached a level where alcohol addiction is indisputable.

Currently there are treatments for alcoholics who demand mediation from various professionals that address the physical and psychic aspects of dependence, as well as the various associated pathologies.

From the analytical point of view there are some indicators in blood that allow the doctor to know if there is excessive and habitual consumption of alcohol.

The psychological evaluation will be fundamental, along with the medical diagnosis to assess the degree and pattern of the patient’s alcohol consumption.

However, healing for alcoholism has come to light, with a drug called Selincro, which is a pill that decreases the feeling of euphoria in the person after drinking alcohol, reducing their appetite for drinking. Selincro was also effective in the treatment of opioid addiction.

These and other innovations are now possible in Pharmamedic.
