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Eam and Grin, two recent cryptocurrencies, are the first based on the MimbleWimble protocol, originally designed as a solution to Bitcoin’s scalability and privacy.

Both use the work test (PoW) as a consensus mechanism. This implies that the mining of these cryptocurrencies is done with computers that use their computing power to validate transactions in the network and add new blocks to the chain.

There are characteristics that differentiate the mining of Beam from that of Grin. Here are some of them:

Beam was the first cryptocurrency based on MimbleWimble to launch its main network. According to the CEO of the startup in charge of the development of Beam, the objective of the cryptocurrency is to become a means of payment and a reserve of value.

The equipment or hardware that can be used to mine XBM are graphics cards (GPU) and processors (CPU). Between both, given their qualities, higher performance is expected from more advanced graphic cards. In this regard, the Beam team recommends that at least 4GB of graphics cards be used.

As for the software or programs available to mine Beam, first of all it is important to have a Beam portfolio or keychain to store the mined XBM. Fortunately, the official Beam portfolio is compatible with the mining procedure. For this, it is necessary to operate a node of the network or connect to one remotely and select the type of equipment with which it has to be mined (CPU or GPU).

The Beam portfolio is compatible with MacOS, Windows and Linux operating systems. So far there are no versions for mobile phones, so it can only be used on computers.

Another way to mine Beam, mentioned in the cryptocurrency repository on GitHub, is by means of a node. However, the modality is recommended only for experienced miners. It allows mining with CPU and GPU, as well as the use of an external mining software.

Source: www.criptonoticias.com

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