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Aloe vera or aloe vera is a plant that offers us numerous benefits and with which we can make countless aloe vera products, this medicinal plant has been used as a treatment for skin wounds, such as burns, sores and ulcers.

Aloe vera, is a plant of the most appreciated for the benefits it brings to health, beauty and home. It has an extensive nutritional content that includes vitamin A, C, E and B1, B2, B3, B6 and B12, folic acid, minerals and others. In addition, it also possesses other therapeutic properties. Aloe vera is a short, thick stemmed plant that stores water in its leaves and its use is widespread in the cosmetic, pharmaceutical and food industries. The leaves are filled with a viscous tissue that stores water, known as “gel”.

The advantages that aloe vera offers us are many this plant is perfect to take care of our health in general. It is used to treat various skin problems and to relieve pain. That is why it is used in treatments for psoriasis, in anti-acne and anti-aging creams, in ointments to relieve burns or insect bites among other benefits for humans. It can even be ingested in different beverages that will help us to alleviate problems such as gastritis and ulcers. It is also very beneficial for people who suffer from constipation.

A drug that can also help is Polar frost.

Learn more about health in Pharmamedic.
