Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a rapidly progressive, fatal disease that affects the nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord that control voluntary muscle movement.

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) affects the control of the muscles needed to move, speak, eat, and breathe. Motor nerve cells (neurons) wear out or die and can no longer send messages to the muscles.

The cause of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is unknown. This condition has no cure and is not contagious. When a person with an autosomal dominant form of this condition has children, each child has a 50% risk of inheriting the mutated copy of the gene and thus having Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. The disease can also be inherited in an autosomal recessive manner. As the causes are unknown, it is not possible to prevent this disease.

The life expectancy of a patient averages approximately two to five years from the moment of diagnosis of (ALS), this disease is variable and many people lead a quality life for five years or more, that is, they can live with the illness for much longer.

The progression of the disease is normally asymmetric. Sometimes it is very slow, having periods of stability with a variable degree of disability. Other times its development can be rapid.


The signs and symptoms of this condition vary greatly from person to person. Symptoms usually start in the hands, feet, or extremities and then spread to other parts of the body.

  • Difficulty walking or doing normal daily activities.
  • Weakness in the legs, feet or ankles, and in the hands
  • Difficulty speaking or trouble swallowing
  • Cognitive and behavioral changes
  • Muscle cramps and spasms in arms, shoulders and tongue

Visit a health care center and see a specialist.

The tests that are carried out to detect Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis are:

  • Electromyography: The doctor inserts a needle electrode through the skin into various muscles.
  • Nerve conduction study.
  • Magnetic resonance.
  • Blood and urine tests.
  • Lumbar puncture.
  • Muscle biopsy.


In the case of patients with multiple sclerosis, they are characterized by motor, sensory, cerebellar, spinal cord symptoms, while patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis have purely motor problems.


  • Yoga or tai chi. Improves flexibility and control of breathing, are disciplines that can be adapted to the characteristics of the patient.
  • Exercises against very light resistance.
  • Activities to improve aerobic capacity.
  • Prevent respiratory infections.
  • Maintain a balanced diet.
  • Have adequate personal hygiene.
  • Have several craft ideas for seniors.