In the composition of natural products that serve as analgesics we can find camphor, turpentine, menthol among others. Camphor is a semisolid crystalline and waxy substance with a strong and pungent pungent odor.

It is a terpenoid found in the wood of the camphor tree Cinnamomumcamphora, a huge perennial tree native to Asia, and in some other trees of the lauraceae family. It can also be synthesized from turpentine oil. It is used as a balm and for other medicinal purposes.

Camphor is rapidly absorbed by the skin, producing a cooling sensation similar to that of menthol, and acts as a mild local anesthetic and as an antimicrobial. It can be administered in small amounts (50 milligrams) for symptoms of fatigue and minor cardiac symptoms.

It has rubefaciente action, antipruriginous, antiseptic and slightly analgesic. It is used in the form of liniments, ointments and alcoholic solutions, as a medicine in joint pains, muscles, neuralgia and other similar conditions.

Administered by general route presents irritating and carminative properties, being used as a mild expectorant.

The use of camphorated oil is discouraged, as it is potentially toxic.

Turpentine or turpentine is a volatile and colorless liquid derived from the distillation of the resin, or miera, of various species of conifers and several species of terebintacean trees.

It is used as a solvent for paints, and as a raw material for the manufacture of synthetic aromatic compounds and some disinfectants. It is an almost colorless liquid with a characteristic odor. Currently, it is obtained in large quantities as a byproduct of cellulose production (raw material for papermaking) in industries that use coniferous raw materials.

It is formed mainly by a mixture of terpene hydrocarbons, mostly alpha and beta pinene, although its composition varies depending on the kind of pine from which the resin comes.

The main use of turpentine has always been as a solvent for paints or as a raw material for the manufacture of paints and varnishes.

Transformed, turpentine is also used to formulate repellents for lice, gels for scrubs or plasters.

Other uses include the making of fragrances. The uses of pinenos that can be obtained with subsequent distillations are also multiple.

In world trade there are many varieties of turpentine.

Menthol is a saturated secondary alcohol, found in the oils of some peppermint species, mainly in Menthaarvensis and peppermint (Mentha x piperita); It is a crystalline solid and it is used in medicine and in some cigarettes because it has a refreshing effect on mucous membranes. It also has antipruritic and antiseptic properties. It is insoluble in water and soluble in alcohol and ether.

Menthol is an organic compound that can be obtained both synthetically and from nature (mint).

If menthol is in the form of cream or ointment, any residue that remains on the skin should be cleaned and contact the Poison Control Center for further instructions. Immediately seek emergency medical assistance.

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