Aphonia is the total loss of voice, this can happen to anyone in an acute infection that causes acute laryngitis: in an allergic activation, an infection, intoxication or in a situation of great emotional tension.

The aphonia depending on its triggers and severity of the symptomatology, this can be of various types.

According to the symptomatology, aphonia can be: Psychogenic aphonia: it is known in patients with psychological problems. Organic Aphonia: originates in people with organic problems. Traumatic Aphonia: caused by internal factors due to orotracheal intubation and Hearing Aphonia: when the voice is totally lost as a result of alterations in the auditory apparatus.

Basic tips that we must follow daily to take care of our voice:

  • Avoid yelling or forcing your voice excessively, as well as talking for too long in noisy places.
  • Do not smoke, avoid rooms with smoke.
  • Do not cough or cough sharply, as they can damage your larynx.
  • If you suffer from allergies or colds, treat them as soon as possible.
  • Certain drugs can alter your voice, check with your doctor.
  • Try to get enough sleep and do sports regularly.
  • Eating a balanced diet and drinking water frequently are two essential habits to take care of your voice.
  • If you have been suffering from hoarseness for more than ten days, you should see your doctor.
  • If you use your voice professionally, you should take care of it as such; train it and learn to keep it healthy, and if you notice that your voice gets tired or changes frequently, go to an expert. Teachers or singers must take special care to avoid the appearance of polyps.
  • Hoarseness in children is not common. Vocal health must begin to be cared for from childhood. Don’t let your children scream, and if you notice that they have a problem with their voice, see a specialist.

In a hoarseness, the treatment is absolute vocal rest for about three days, not whispering, taking anti-inflammatories and, if the cause is bacterial, antibiotics. But fundamentally rest and good hydration. It is recommended to see a doctor if voice problems do not heal within 15 days.