Bacterial vaginosis, a disease most common in sexually active and unprotected people. Know its symptoms, diagnosis and prevention.

Bacterial vaginosis is a common disease that appears when the normal balance of microorganisms in the vagina is altered.

Bacterial vaginosis is a common disease that does not usually cause serious complications but, if left untreated, can lead to: Problems during pregnancy, an increased risk of contracting a sexually transmitted infection, including HIV, and Pelvic inflammation.

Certainly, it is important to treat bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy. Because your baby is likely to be born early (premature) or with a low birth weight.

Bacterial vaginosis spreads and according to researchers they do not know the cause of bacterial vaginosis and it often occurs in sexually active people.

Thus, bacterial vaginosis is the result of an imbalance of a group of bacteria in the vagina. You could contract this disease if you use vaginal douching a lot, not using condoms during sexual intercourse, and promiscuity.

There is also no research showing that treating a sexual partner affects whether someone gets bacterial vaginosis. Having bacterial vaginosis can increase your chance of getting other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

Bacterial vaginosis does not always have symptoms, which is why many people are unaware that they have it.

These are the most common symptoms:

  • An unusual vaginal discharge, which may be thin and light gray or white in color
  • a strong fish-like or musty odor from the vagina
  • Itching or irritation around the vagina and a burning sensation when urinating.

Specialists can diagnose bacterial vaginosis and test for other pathogens, such as:

  • Neisseriagonorrhoeae (which causes gonorrhea)
  • Chlamydia trachomatis (which causes chlamydia)
  • Mycoplasmagenitalium (which can cause genital infections)
  • Trichomonas vaginalis (which causes trichomoniasis)


The following prevention recommendations may help reduce your risk of getting bacterial vaginosis:

  • Not having sex
  • limit the number of sexual partners
  • Do not use vaginal douches and
  • use condoms the right way every time you have sex.


  • The best treatment is the antibiotic metronidazole.
  • Metronidazole gel
  • tinidazole
  • clindamycin
  • Clindamycin gel
  • Bacterial vaginosis can recur even after treatment.

It is important to know that bacterial vaginosis sometimes goes away without treatment. However, treatment can help prevent further serious health risks related to bacterial vaginosis, such as: getting or transmitting HIV; giving birth early if you have bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy; and contracting other sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia infection and gonorrhea.

Likewise, the bacteria that cause these diseases can cause pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), which can make it more difficult for you to have children.

This condition is also the most common cause of abnormal vaginal discharge in women of childbearing age.



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