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The company published a statement on this release this Wednesday, January 16.

The beta version of the Blockstream Satellite API is now available. So they are open to receiving comments and reports of any errors that may occur in the process.

For the time being, the company’s service, focused on the development and implementation of Bitcoin technology, will be free, using the Lightning Network (LN) test network for its payments. Rates are paid using the Lightning testnet, that means free transmissions. And after a period of successful tests, the satellite API will change to the main network to become one of the first bitcoin satellite services in the world. This Blockstream service has some features that aim to improve your privacy. Thus, developers can use the API with personalized encryption, so that the information sent can only be decoded by its recipients. And taking advantage of the LN routing network, they will elevate the privacy of those who cancel the services. Blockstream Satellite will allow developers to adopt satellite communications in their applications. The satellite can work to send any type of information: from notifications of natural disasters, the sending of data from the bitcoin market, to a simple greeting. The company intends to position this service by enhancing its attractiveness with the possibility of paying for its use through the LN, which currently has a routing capacity of 517.60 BTC, equivalent to about 1.8 million dollars, according to current prices.

This service also allows real-time transmission of Bitcoin blockchain data to almost the entire planet, except Greenland and Antarctica.

Source: www.criptonoticias.com

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