Hello, I am Nonna Cannabis “The Italian granny who cooks with herbs”.

Today I am going to teach you how to prepare a delicious Bolognese sauce, only this time we will add a bit of cannabis.


  • 250 gr ground beef
  • 2 tbsp of cannabis oil
  • 1 onion
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 small grated carrot
  • ½ kg of tomatoes
  • ½ cup of white wine
  • 4 cannabis leaves, 2 bay leaves, oregano, salt and pepper to taste.


Chop the onion and add it with the cannabis oil to a frying pan and fry until it becomes transparent and place the garlic until it releases the aroma. In another pan with hot oil add the meat and carrot. When the meat is almost cooked, place the onion and garlic, add the chopped cannabis leaves, a little oregano, white wine, laurel and the liquefied tomatoes, without forgetting the salt and pepper. Let cook for about 45 minutes over low heat. When it is ready, let it sit for 15 minutes and ready to serve.

This has been all for this week, and do not forget:

Pharmamedic and Nonna Cannabis are here to give you a healthier life!


NOTE: If you are starting to consume this type of recipes, we recommend using small doses of herbs to prevent future adverse reactions in the body.

Bolognese sauce with a bit of Cannabis (English)