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Caffeine is a stimulant of the central nervous system that acts after its intake, increasing brain activity and decreasing insomnia.

It is used to treat some types of headaches and to increase the effect of analgesics.

The intake of caffeine through coffee or other beverages is blocking the sedative effect of adenosine, this being a substance that generates the brain daily and at night reaches its highest level causing sleep.

Caffeine does not diminish the effects of alcohol and can also be used for short-term relief from fatigue.

It is important to control the amounts that we ingest because an excess of caffeine can cause the following symptoms:

Increased heart rate, Arrhythmia, Increased blood pressure, Irritability, Vigil, Anxiety, Nervousness, Diuresis and / or diarrhea.

  • COMPONENT ACTRON Comp. effervescent 267 mg / 133 mg / 40 mg.
  • ANALGILASA Comp. coated with film 500/10/30 mg.
  • ASPIRINA PLUS Comp. 500/50 mg.
  • CAFERGOT Comp. 1 mg / 100 mg.
  • CAFIASPIRINA Comp. 500/50 mg.
  • CAFINITRINE Comp. Sublingual 1/25 mg.
  • CALMAGRIP FORTE Powder for sun. oral.

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