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Dementia is the progressive loss of memory and other cognitive functions, preserving the level of consciousness, but with a clear mismatch of the individual to their environment.

The diagnosis usually occurs when the patient has been about three months presenting a set of signs and symptoms that respond to these alterations. Dementia compromises the intellectual faculties of those affected such as language, memory and visuospatial skills, as well as their emotional capacity and personality.

Dementia is a disorder closely related to age. It affects 2% of people from 65-70 years, and 20% of those over 80 years. The most common form of dementia is Alzheimer’s disease, which accounts for about 70% of all dementias.

Types of dementia:

  • Alzheimer disease
  • Fronto-temporal dementia (or Pick’s disease)
  • Dementia due to Lewy bodies
  • Dementia in Parkinson’s Disease
  • Vascular dementia
  • Multi-infarct dementia
  • Binswanger’s disease

The main symptoms that manifest most people with severe dementia are:

  • They lose the notion of their own identity and time.
  • They have hallucinations and delusions, and sometimes their behavior is violent. This is seen mainly in temporal fronto dementia and dementia due to Lewy bodies.
  • They cannot perform regular and simple tasks on their own.

Your sleep patterns are disturbed, and you wake up frequently at night.

They often suffer from incontinence.

They may have trouble swallowing.

It is difficult to communicate with them because they do not understand the language, and they speak in a confused way, or they do not use the words correctly.

The diagnosis of dementia is mainly clinical: it is fundamental that the doctor elaborates a complete clinical history, and inquires about the possible family history.

Memory loss is the most common early sign, but it is usually attributed to age or its importance is underestimated, so that from the beginning of the symptoms until the patient is diagnosed, it sometimes takes up to two years. Family members are usually the first to detect that there is a problem, so it is advisable to consult a specialist if they observe suspicious behavior in their loved ones.

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