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After many years of research, a team of scientists have created a dietary supplement that increases serotonin levels and reduces mental disorders, obesity, insomnia, migraine and anxiety.

This dietary supplement is known as 5-HTP.

5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) is a transmitting amino acid that increases the level of serotonin when it reaches the brain. Low levels of serotonin are caused by current lifestyles in large cities and unhealthy eating habits for health. As a result many people suffer from obesity, depression, headache, migraine or muscle pain, bulimia, fibromyalgia, insomnia, among other diseases.

5-HTP is indicated to fight depression, treat lack of appetite, fight against low self-esteem, etc.

The side effects of 5-HTP can be described as mild compared to other drugs, among these most frequent effects are nausea, heartburn and gastrointestinal problems.

It is important to maintain adequate levels of serotonin to avoid having to fight against the aforementioned conditions.

Serotonin is a very important neurotransmitter because it regulates the activity of many other essential components of the brain.

Learn more about health in Pharmamedic.
