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Natural medicine tries to discover and eliminate the root cause of diseases, not only the treatment, but also its prevention.

The Acedera: plant that is easily recognized by having a mild bittersweet taste that pleases children. It is a refreshing plant and you can even take the juice with water to replace the lemonade. The organic acids that give it its flavor can be used for flu problems, but it is above all an emollient plant, effective in viral hepatitis. The root purifies the blood. In infusion alleviates respiratory problems (bronchitis, asthma, etc). It should not be confused with the romaza or lengua de vaca, a plant that also receives the name of sorrel in some regions.


Annatto seeds are powerful anti-inflammatory and antiseptic, property that can be used for chronic bronchial problems or in cases of tonsillitis, in the form of infusion or alcoholic tincture. The firing of splinters from the tree removes arthritic and rheumatic pain.

Agrimony: Relieves the symptoms of cystitis, acts quickly on bleeding.

Wormwood: It is one of the most bitter plants known, very useful for digestive and parasitic problems, for its ability to clean the liver and bile; In addition, the essential oil it contains is used for menstruation problems and nervous disorders. The preparation of wormwood in white wine can be an excellent appetizer for children with anorexia or lack of appetite. Serves against bites of insects, fleas and louse.

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