To help strengthen the lower abdomen there are numerous exercises you can perform, but perhaps the best known is the leg lifts. You must concentrate on doing strength with the abdomen to really work it.

To correctly execute the leg lifts on the ground, in the first instance, as its name indicates, we must lie on the ground. It is advisable to use a mat to protect our back, unless the surface on which we rest our back is comfortable

Place your hands under the gluteus, with the palms of the hand resting on the floor, placing them until we feel comfortable. We will raise our legs slowly from the ground as straight as possible, with our knees blocked.

Keep your legs raised until the bottom of our feet point to the ceiling, keeping your knees as extended as possible. If we can not put them in that position, we will try to take our legs as high as we can.

We will lower the legs slowly and in a controlled manner, again, to the initial position. Repeat the exercise as prescribed in the exercise routine.

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