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Physical exercise should be part of our daily life, and for that, nothing better than trying to adapt it to our needs and customs. Only in this way will we be able to practice it on a regular basis.

It is important that people who suffer from a physical problem consult their doctor about the most appropriate exercise.

  • Before beginning the exercise routine, warm up at low intensity should be performed, which implies the mobility of the main joints (ankles, knees, hips, shoulders, neck and wrists).
  • Wear comfortable clothes and shoes and make sure that the facilities and sports equipment are right for you.
  • It is essential to stay hydrated, and for this you must drink water (not cold) before, during, and once the exercise is finished.
  • You also have to eat well, which means eating healthy that provides energy and allows you to enjoy your new hobby without problems.

Aerobic exercise:

It should be done at a moderate intensity (remember to control the pulsations so that they do not rise above what is recommended). You can go out to walk at a moderate pace continuously and on flat land; pedal on an elliptical or on a bicycle; swim; or perform a sport such as paddle tennis or tennis.

Anaerobic exercises:

2-3 times a week, dividing the routine exercises both the upper body and the lower body can be performed with machines pulley some weight that involves a small resistance, without this resulting uncomfortable and with elastic bands or small dumbbells; Exercises with body weight (type of push-ups, strides, squats, etc.) suppose a greater effort and are only recommended to those who are already used to exercise. From each exercise, 15 to 20 repetitions can be performed.

Flexibility exercises:

This group includes dance, tai-chi, yoga, or exercises in water at low intensity, which help to stretch the muscles without feeling pain. They can be performed three times a week, performing exercises that involve a stretch of between 15 and 30 seconds, with normal breathing.

Balance exercises:

They should be included in all the routines of the elderly. Among them are getting up and sitting on a chair without using your arms, walking on tiptoes, with your heels, standing with just one support, and so on. Those who can not do it, can be helped by a chair, a partner, or the wall. With these exercises skill is acquired little by little, providing security to the person to perform any activity of their day to day.

Live a healthy life with Pharmamedic.
