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Put on sportswear is very important: with a comfortable mesh, a breathable shirt, sports shoes, and pick your hair.

Play music and make space, open a window to breathe fresh air.

A Mat A pair of weights 2 to 3 kg.

Time: 45 min – 1 hour

We start!


Lie on your side on the mat and raise your extended leg and with the fingers of the feet stretched out, pointing outward, to an angle of 30 degrees. Return to the starting position. With 3 sets of 20 repetitions each (with each leg) will be enough.

Rotary sides

Lie on your side on the mat, raise your extended leg and begin to make small circles in the air, gently, to one side and the other. Hold 20 seconds, and rest 10. Repeat 3 times and change legs.

Trick: when you have both exercises controlled, you can add weight to tone muscles with adjustable dumbbells for wrists or ankles, they are very useful and very comfortable!

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Stand up, stretch your arms and then bend your knees and lower your bum until your resistance allows it. Little by little you will see that you will go down more. Start with 3 sets of 10 reps, and go up to 15 and 20 on progressive days.

Tip: When you notice that you need “something” to notice the effects of the exercise, you can hold a 3-kg weight with both hands to have more resistance.


Lying on your back, with your legs bent, elevate your hips by squeezing your buttocks and place your hands as close as you can to your ankles, until your body is elevated but without carrying your back. You have to notice a slight pressure on your hip and buttock area, if you feel that you’re doing well. Start by keeping each lift 10 seconds and then increase the time to 15 and 20 in later sessions. Repeat 4 times.

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