Six years ago, the eLegs exoskeleton was designed, designed to help people with paralysis in their legs knowing that there is a sector of the population that would do well for something as basic as walking.

Thanks to this implant, currently many disabled people limited in a wheelchair can stand and recover their motor skills. There is less and less time for exoskeleton technology to be so cheap that anyone can take advantage of it. However, exoskeletons are a leading technology, and therefore, very expensive, impossible to afford for a person without economic power.

The technology of the exoskeletons has advanced a lot, although a little more affordable than the first designs. For example: the Phoenix with a weight of 12 kg, consists of 2 motors at hip level and a bag in which the battery is stored. The design of the carbon fiber structure that supports the legs is modular, so it can be adapted to anyone regardless of height, or if you only need support on one leg.

The exoskeleton will do the work to move the legs with considerable efficiency.

These and other innovations are now possible in Pharmamedic.