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Fibromyalgia is a chronic disease characterized by generalized musculoskeletal pain and a reduction in the pain threshold, with an increase in painful sensitivity to pressure in certain points of the body.

This pain is localized mainly in muscle areas. Fibromyalgia is the third most frequently diagnosed rheumatologic disease, after osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Pain is the predominant symptom in fibromyalgia: chronic and generalized, affecting large muscular areas: around the spine, at the origin of the extremities, in the cervical region, shoulders, arms, lower back, hips and thighs.

Fibromyalgia is often associated with other health problems such as poor sleep quality, morning stiffness, tiredness, depression and anxiety, headache, irregular bowel habit, diffuse abdominal pain, muscle cramps and subjective feeling of swelling

There is some evidence that can lead to a fibromyalgia picture:

  • Imbalance of neurotransmitters of the nervous system.
  • Alteration of levels of certain substances that intervene in neurochemical processes, producing greater susceptibility to pain: serotonin, tryptophan, substance P, glutamic acid.
  • Alteration in the arrival of blood flow to certain brain structures.
  • Fibromyalgia occurs in 28% of children of affected patients, and there is influence in relatives of affected patients.
  • Chronic infections, viral infections, inflammatory processes, or muscle diseases.
  • Fibromyalgia is associated with depressive symptoms
  • Another typical symptom of fibromyalgia is physical and psychological exhaustion.
  • Sleep disturbance, which correlates with the intensity of the syndrome.
  • Muscle rigidity and contractures in various muscle groups.
  • Headaches and irritable bowel.
  • Cold extremities, increased sweating, palpitations.
  • Intolerance to drugs and chemical substances.
  • Mouth and dry eyes; pain in the jaw.
  • Problems of concentration and memory; affective symptoms such as anxiety or altered mood.

There are no medications to treat fibromyalgia, just to relieve some symptoms. There is no known treatment to cure fibromyalgia.

It is recommended in cases in which it is considered necessary, it is necessary to motivate patients to carry out self-help programs. For example: Physical activity (physical exercise): the performance of a supervised exercise program. Cognitive behavioral therapy: it is based on the idea that the perceptions that the individual has about himself and his environment affect his emotions and his behavior.

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