Gigantism can occur during the growing age or later.

Gigantism is excessive growth, especially of the arms and legs, caused by a malfunction of the pituitary gland, accompanied by a corresponding growth in height of the entire body.

Gigantism is usually accompanied by the weakening of sexual functions and is then called eunuchoid gigantism, which is characterized by a disproportionate figure, with arms and legs that are too long.

It is considered a hormonal disease caused by the excessive secretion of growth hormone (somatotropin), during the growth period, before the epiphysis of the bone closes. If it occurs later, it is called acromegaly.

When it appears in childhood before normal ossification has finished, its origin is usually in an overproduction of growth hormone caused by a pituitary tumor. Because growth hormone decreases the secretion capacity of the gonads.,estatura%20de%20todo%20el%20cuerpo.,benigno)%20en%20la%20gl%C3%A1ndula%20pituitaria.