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Goiter is the enlargement of the thyroid, which is an endocrine gland located in the front of the neck, below and on both sides of the trachea and the back of the larynx

Its function is the synthesis of thyroid hormone, which plays an important role in the regulation of metabolism.

Goiter is more frequent in women, probably due to the higher prevalence of autoimmune diseases and the increased needs of iodine in pregnancy and estrogen during adolescence. Finally, it should be noted that the thyroid increases in size over the years, so that by the eighth decade of life many people have goiter due to the presence in the thyroid of one or more thyroid nodules.

Concepts related to the enlargement of the thyroid:

  • Simple goiter: enlargement of the thyroid gland that is not accompanied by hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, neoplastic process (cancer), inflammatory or autoimmune. It is also called nontoxic or normal functioning goiter.
  • Thyroid nodule: is any mass of the thyroid of a different consistency than the normal gland. A thyroid nodule can appear for many different diseases, from benign pathologies without major transcendence to thyroid cancer.
  • Toxic nodular goiter: enlargement of the thyroid due to the presence of several nodules, which, in addition, produce an excess of thyroid hormone. Nodular nodular goiter grows from a simple goiter, and occurs more often in the elderly.

In endemic areas the prevalence is higher (more than 10% of the population has a goiter, usually due to an iodine deficiency).

The prevention of goiter, the minimum requirements of iodine to replace urinary losses. The WHO recommends the intake of 100-150 micrograms per day or even 200 micrograms per day during pregnancy or lactation to prevent disorders caused by iodine deficiency. The iodine content of food in general is low, fish and milk being the richest in this substance. For this reason, one option may be for example to consume sea fish between 2 and 3 times per week. However, in developed countries the main source of iodine is salt.

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