The Grindelia is a small plant but with large yellow flowers that are appreciated to decorate the gardens.

This plant has medicinal qualities so dried leaves and flowers are used for medicinal purposes.

It has medicinal properties such as antispasmodic, expectorant, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antiasthmatic, antitussive, balsamic, mucolytic, bactericidal and antibacterial. This herb can be used to solve and relieve both internally and externally.

The application of Grindelia is used mostly for spasmodic or irritative cough of: bronchial asthma, laryngospasm, emphysema, bronchitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, whooping cough. Gastrointestinal spasms: pylorospasm, cardiospasm, gastroespasm, intestinal cramps.

One of the medicines that has extracts of this miraculous plant is “Fluirex”. This is a food supplement containing apical derivatives and extracts of Grindelia, Malva and Timo. These components, of exclusive natural origin, can contribute physiologically to the well-being and functionality of the upper respiratory tract, especially during the winter season.

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