A healthy and active mind helps us to get away from everyday problems and generates mental well-being.

A healthy mind helps us to get away from everyday problems and focus our energy on activities that we find enjoyable, fun and generate our mental well-being.

Indeed, the World Health Organization points out that health is “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease or illness.”

Generally, the practice of different activities serves to free oneself from harmful thoughts. Likewise, it allows a form of personal expression.

To keep your mind busy, we suggest some basic tips. However, experiment with different strategies and discover what works best for you. Because we are not all the same.

  • Getting enough rest is prioritizing good general and brain health.
  • Socializing and distracting your mind.
  • Trying to leave your mind blank.
  • Trying to put stress aside.
  • Exercise activates your mind and body.
  • Walking, running, dancing, weight training, meditation.
  • Taking time to do new things and break the routine.
  • Reading daily relaxes you and helps you train your imagination. In this way, you enrich your vocabulary and gain new knowledge.
  • Get a back massage.
  • Drink a hot drink, herbal tea or warm milk.
  • Maintain strong relationships with positive people who are willing to help you.
  • Do crossword puzzles, play an instrument, dance, sing, play board games, etc.
  • Eat healthy.
  • Develop self-affirmation.
  • Cultivate gratitude.
  • Laugh and smile as much as you can.
  • Disconnect from technology for breaks.
  • Learn languages.
  • Encourage the exchange of ideas.
  • Taking vitamin B helps improve energy, attention and mental acuity.

Therefore, to maintain positive emotions and be mentally well, you must get enough rest. Likewise, you have to know when to stop watching or reading news that upsets you.

You can also use social media to find new friends who support you and in this way, connect with others without falling into rumors or arguments.

You have to learn to let go of negative thoughts. For this reason, you have to reflect on what you think, you have to learn to face criticism. Likewise, avoid toxic thinking and very importantly learn not to judge others.

To keep a clean mind we must always strive to live peacefully, do good to others and pray constantly.

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