Exercises to strengthen the ankles

  • For the first exercise you must stand up, with your feet apart and your knees bent. Then you must put your hands on your knees or waist and lift both heels off the floor. Try to maintain this position for 15 to 20 seconds and perform three repetitions.
  • Standing again, place both feet on a step with both heels above the margin. Leave the heel hanging down and push them up on the fingers (steep). Hold the position for 15 to 20 seconds and repeat three times.
  • Sitting on a chair or on an exercise mat, place one foot on the other’s fingers and then lift the foot that is on top of it so that the foot underneath moves. Hold the position for 15 seconds and repeat three times.
  • Sitting on a chair, on the floor or on an exercise mat, place a band to exercise around the ankles, turn the foot inward from the edge of the big toe, as if bending the sole of the foot. Maintaining this position for 15 seconds do three repetitions. Then do the same exercise but starting from the edge of the little finger.
  • Sitting on the floor or chair, place the inside edge of the big fingers together and press them together.
  • In a chair or sitting on the floor, cross your feet and carefully bend the tips of your fingers inward, pressing carefully. 3 repetitions of 15 seconds each.
  • Standing or sitting on the floor, elevate one of your feet and make 10 circles to one side and 10 circles to the other side. Then change your feet and do the same exercise.
  • Standing, raise your heels at the same time, so that you can stand on your toes as much as possible.
  • Standing and barefoot, walk with steps the size of your foot, following the sequence: heel, plant, tip. Try to exaggerate the movement to stimulate work well.
  • Standing and barefoot, lean on the outer edges of each foot and walk with small, slow steps.

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