NEM is a technological platform that aims to bring novel features to the world of cryptography.

In the beginning, one of the developers of this software was inspired by Nxt (an open source cryptocurrency) for the creation of NEM; the initial idea was to create a branch of Nxt, however, this goal was discarded with the passage of time, since the code that was generated was completely new.

In 2014, the first phase of this cryptocurrency was launched, in this opportunity the project collaborators distributed some units of the XEM cryptocurrency. Subsequently, in 2015 the developers presented a more stable version, however, it had to be corrected in the following versions.

In 2016, NEM partners with Tech Bureau, a leading company in the exchange of cryptocurrencies in Japan, the objective of which was to create a new blockchain system based on the Mijin platform, a year later Catapult was born, a high platform performance that is giving excellent results in recent months.

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