NEO called the Chinese Etherium and formerly called with the official name of AntShares is a cryptocurrency based on chain technology, it is the first Chinese technology.

NEO is considered the next generation of economy and commerce where trade agreements are written in programming code using a Smart Contract. The Smart Contract is stored in a decentralized and immutable Blockchain and will be executed exactly in accordance with the terms of the commercial agreement and exactly at the agreed time. This allows an economy where two or even thousands of parties can agree on a contract without the need to trust each other. The Intelligent Contract will always be executed in accordance with the rules defined in the contract.

NEO is one of the great cryptocurrencies of today, because it not only promises projects but is in development of these, the scalability is high because it supposes competition to Ethereum since it also has the capacity to generate intelligent contracts but with greater ease.

Another that also offers competition is iCashweb, because its strength is Health and that certainly has no price.