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Founded by a nonprofit foundation in Singapore, the Tron Foundation seeks to address the global entertainment industry and is currently valued at $ 1 trillion, not only a cryptocurrency, but also a complete platform, regulated by law. tell; everything related to TRON is totally legal and registered

Since its launch in late September 2017, TRX has experienced strong price increases, its current price being $ 0.05, an increase of 26 times compared to its launch, although from the beginning it was a cryptocurrency created without profit.

TRON’s open and decentralized platform and distributed storage technology will allow digital content creators to eliminate intermediaries such as the Apple Store and Google Play. So we can establish as its main features the following: Free and uncontrolled data, enable the ecosystem of content where users can obtain digital assets from them, staff with the ability to distribute digital assets and finally an infrastructure to allow the exchange of distributed digital assets (such as games) and market forecasts.

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This Project is particularly ambitious and its scope includes the implementation of many blockchain technologies that are still technically experimental and that are estimated to be achieved in the next 8 to 10 years.

The set of phases included in this project began with Exodus in 2017 when a free platform for distribution, storage and point-to-point content is launched, with the next Odyssey phase estimated to be completed from 2019 until 2020 where it is intended to implement economic incentives to To encourage content creators, once completed the Great Voyage phase from July 2020 to July 2021 and the last Apollo phase (from August 2021 to March 2023) will be developed. Content producers emit their own tokens (TRON 20 Token).

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