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It is an infection of the skin caused by bacteria, which mainly affects young children.

It is not serious, but it is very contagious, so it should be treated as soon as possible. The rash begins at a single point on the face, lips, arms or legs.

The skin is made up of several layers of cells and the most superficial is covered by an impermeable layer made of a substance called keratin. This substance protects us from the outside, especially from the bacteria that habitually live on top of our skin. When our skin is damaged or weakened, bacteria can cause diseases, such as impetigo.

The infection of impetigo is superficial, destroys the layer of keratin forming crusts. In principle does not cause discomfort because the bacteria do not pass to the blood to be a superficial infection, but this is not entirely positive, since the immune system can not reach the focus of the infection and it is necessary to treat it with antibiotics.

The symptoms of impetigo can be seen in the skin, which has the following characteristics:

  • Initially the skin takes a redder color, as if it were irritated, and the patient feels itching in the area.
  • Vesicles and small blisters of very thin wall that break easily and release pus to the outside. This pus is very contagious and you have to avoid contact with it.
  • Raw skin, reddened and bloody.

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  • More resistant blisters that have yellowish crusts around, the color of honey, very characteristic of impetigo. Scabs may also appear as the blood coagulates in deeper lesions.
  • Swollen glands near the affected skin. They move when moved and may hurt, but most often go unnoticed.

Impetigo should be treated as soon as possible, not because it is a serious disease in itself, but because it is very contagious for people who are in contact with the child, and also because in some small triggers a reaction of the immune system that harms the children. Kidneys (postinfectious glomerulonephritis).

The treatment of mild impetigo infections, which are the most common, is based on the use of antibiotic creams. When the impetigo is serious and begins to give complications the doctor will choose to prescribe oral antibiotics so that they can attack the bacteria through the blood.

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