The most frequent cause is a cerebrovascular accident, which interrupts the blood supply in a certain area of the brain.

Hemiplegia does not have a total recovery but it can improve a lot if there is evidence of following the treatments and therapies recommended by doctors.

There are four kinds of hemiplegia:

Cerebral hemiplegia, spinal hemiplegia, facial hemiplegia and spastic hemiplegia.

Among the most common symptoms you can find: Loss of sensations in one half of the body, difficulty with motor activities, problems walking and maintaining balance, blurred vision, difficulty swallowing, numbness or tingling in one half of the body, etc.

Hemiplegia can be treated by a neurologist, neurosurgeon, or physical therapist.

The patient with hemiplegia is recommended to rest and control blood pressure. Then the treatment is based on discovering what the physical or psychological damage has been and minimizing the symptoms.

The best treatment for hemiplegia is passive and repetitive rehabilitative exercise.

Recovery can take between 3 and 18 months.

Some drugs are highly recommended to treat this type of pathology, first consult your specialist.