Sciatica is considered irritation of the sciatic nerve that causes the patient to feel pain in the lower back, a pain that extends down the back of one of the legs, and can sometimes reach the ball of the foot. . The roots of this nerve arise from the spinal cord, it is the largest nerve in the human body.

If you have a sciatic nerve attack, pain may start from the lower back and spread through the buttocks, the backs of the thighs, to the knees and feet.

Sciatica occurs due to irritation of the sciatic nerve, it is very painful and can last several days, eventually incapacitating the patient. Due to the pandemic, many people have been forced to work from home, spending a lot of time sitting without doing much physical activity, there are numerous health problems that can be caused by a sedentary lifestyle. And one of them is sciatica attack.

The most frequent causes of sciatica are: vertebral disc herniation, lumbar canal stenosis, piriformis syndrome, fractures, tumors, pregnancy, etc.

The main symptom of a sciatica crisis is pain, although it can vary greatly in intensity and characteristics. The pain always affects one side, from the buttocks to the knee, calves or even the foot. It is very common to be accompanied by pain in the lower back. Muscle weakness and decreased muscle reflexes are also common. This is why people with sciatica walk with a limp or cannot get out of bed on their own.

The treatment of sciatica is: Analgesics and anti-inflammatories that calm the pain. They are usually taken every eight hours during the days that the episode lasts.

Rest, that is, the patient will be able to move but should not make efforts or walk long distances. Bed rest is not recommended once the pain is relieved with pain relievers. Apply cold to the affected lower back or buttock for the first two days of pain.

There are also exercises to relieve sciatica pain, whether it’s caused by piriformis syndrome or some other spinal problem. These may include yoga poses such as cat-cow, trunk stabilization exercises, or piriformis muscle stretches, but you should first consult a specialist to determine the cause of your sciatic nerve pain and the best therapy to treat it.

To prevent sciatica, the best measures you can take are:

  • It is essential not to bend by bending your back, but to bend your knees with a straight back and not to carry heavy weights.
  • Do not adopt incorrect postures when sitting at a desk or driving. The lower back should always be supported by the backrest or a pillow.
  • Sleep on flexible but firm mattresses so that the spine is always in a straight position.
  • Avoid obesity and being overweight.
  • Walk at least 5 hours a week.
  • Practice sports.