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To find the appropriate treatment of low back pain, an accurate diagnosis is necessary.

In the first place, it is important to recognize the causes of low back pain and, if possible, correct them. Thus, in the case of a blocked vertebra it may be necessary, in some cases, to unblock it, so that the vertebra regains mobility. However, this can only be done by an expert specialist (for example, a traumatologist). In case of lumbago, often, for the treatment of the pains the application of heat, the movement and the medicines are enough.

The most important and immediate objective in the treatment of low back pain is that the patient recovers quickly from the pain and can rise up again. If the medical treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), corticosteroids, analgesics and muscle relaxants does not work, the doctor can refer the patient to the specialist’s office (anesthesia) to receive an intramuscular injection of local anesthetics) and corticosteroids in the back. This treatment helps improve and relieve pain. Analgesics derived from morphine (opioids) and muscle relaxants of the benzodiazepine type should only be ingested, due to their side effects and danger of dependence, under medical prescription and for a short period of time.

In certain types of low back pain the patient can feel relief by resting in bed and applying direct heat. Back pain can be prevented by leading a healthy lifestyle based, above all, on the regular practice of sports that help strengthen and exercise the muscles of the back. In addition, in the treatment of low back pain it can be very positive to receive support from a physiotherapist with rehabilitation exercises. The massages are a medical treatment and for this reason they have to be given by a professional to avoid further complications.

The recommendation of the doctor is essential.

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