Some people claim that poultices are the same as poultice, but in reality we refer to poultice when a medicinal plant is applied, washed, crushed and heated, directly on the skin in the affected area of ​​the body. In the plaster the plant (also crushed and hot) is wrapped in a clean cloth to apply on the body without having direct contact with the skin.

Some other forms of preparation:

Traditionally, the poultices were made with flour from flax, wheat or other cereals rich in vegetable fiber to take advantage of the quality of absorption of this fiber. This flour was mixed with hot water and the active compound (for example, mustard). The resulting paste, still hot, was put in contact with the wound and then covered with a piece of burlap or similar material to finally bandage the area.

In beauty it is common to use clays or muds instead of vegetable flours. The form of preparation is similar to that of traditional poultices, but currently linen towels are used instead of burlap and are not always applied hot.

In sports, the cataplasms of certain plants such as cabbage have been used since time immemorial for inflammations, bruises and sprains.

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