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Headaches are a common health problem.

Only a headache doctor can determine if the symptoms are due to a migraine or another problem.

A headache is a pain in the upper part of the neck. The two main types of headache are primary headaches, which are not associated with a disease, and secondary headaches, which are produced by an injury, such as a concussion, an infection, a tumor in the brain, the bleeding of the brain.

Most headaches do not indicate the presence of a serious medical problem.

Migraine is more common in women than in men. They usually appear for the first time during childhood and may end up disappearing or getting worse over time.

Scientists still do not know exactly the cause of the migraine and what causes these changes in the blood vessels. They can be the result of chemical imbalances in the brain.

There are conventional treatments that help reduce these pains, however, there are also natural treatments that relieve headache and migraine, which is recommended for this health problem to prepare a tisane for pain.

It consists of preparing an infusion with 5 g of lime flowers and a glass of water. Take 2 or 3 cups daily. If the headache is of rheumatic or arthritic origin: infusion prepared with 5 to 6 g of fresh or violet flowers and a glass of water. Take 2 to 4 cups per day between meals.

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