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Alternative therapies also have their application in the fight against infertility.

Discover how they are used to achieve a pregnancy in a natural way.

Studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of alternative medicine and natural therapies to improve fertility and achieve pregnancy in a less aggressive way for the body.

There are two current aspects: enhancing and improving fertility thanks to natural remedies, and knowing our own fertility to identify the ideal time to achieve pregnancy, which significantly increases the success rate.

The most important natural techniques to combat infertility are homeopathy, herbal medicine, acupuncture and dietetics.

Although there are numerous therapies that increase and improve fertility, helping to achieve pregnancy, such as oligotherapy, Schüssler salts, hydrotherapy, quiromassage, mindfulness, traditional Chinese medicine, foot reflexology, auriculotherapy, psychotherapy, family constellations, reiki, aromatherapy, kinesiology, music therapy, Bach flowers.

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The natural techniques based on hydrotherapies reduce the stress and anxiety caused by infertility or assisted reproduction treatments. It favors the internal balance of the organism. It increases the amount of sperm in man. Balances the hormonal system in men and women, to promote the proper functioning of the male and female reproductive system.

There are dozens of plants that improve fertility. Nutrition as Dietary can be useful to increase fertility (Make a healthy and balanced diet, for it the Mediterranean diet is perfect.)

Learn more about your health and well-being at Pharmamedic.
