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Obesity can be defined as a clinical syndrome characterized by an increase in the proportion of adipose tissue in relation to total body weight.

Obesity is defined objectively by the Body Mass Index (BMI), based on which we speak of: Overweight and Obesity. It is considered that a person is obese if his weight is 20% higher than that indicated for his physical constitution or if he has a body mass index higher than 30 according to the table of calculation of obesity based on the BMI.

In general terms, the excessive accumulation of triacylglycerides (neutral fats) in adipose tissue (obesity) occurs when the caloric balance is clearly positive, that is, when it consumes more than it burns. Obesity is not possible in other circumstances.

These are the risk factors for obesity:

Genetic factors

In several studies, 80% of children whose parents are obese have been observed to be obese.

Nutritional factors

Nutrition during childhood has become very important in recent years, as it is shown that a significant percentage of obese children evolve into obese adolescents and obese adults. Diets high in fat and carbohydrates can promote obesity.

Neural factors

The basic mechanisms that regulate the ingestion of food (appetite / satiety) are located in the central nervous system. Several authors have shown that there is a relationship between alterations in the metabolism of serotonin and dietary intake.

The medical treatment of obesity is based on the combined application of the following measures:

  • Reduction of caloric intake: if the person eats in excess, it is necessary to reduce the caloric intake to convert the energy balance from positive to negative.
  • Increase in energy expenditure: in patients who, in addition to having an excessive caloric intake, have an essentially sedentary lifestyle, the practice of physical exercise must be associated, which must be constant and progressive.
  • Use of drugs.
  • Regulated psychotherapy: the results are obtained through the use of behavior modification techniques, perfectly standardized, the results being more satisfactory in those patients less influenced and dependent on events outside them in the conditioning of their eating behavior.
  • Surgical treatment measures: the possibilities cover several different physiopathological approaches. It can act in the disconnection of the hypothalamus-digestive axis, achieving significant decreases in appetite. Techniques aimed at achieving a decrease in gastric volume can also be used. The gastric bypass can be applied within the derivative techniques.

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