Also known as Bosu Balance Trainer or Bosu Conditioning, it is one of the most practiced fitness techniques. A hemisphere of latex 65 centimeters in diameter can be used on both sides. That is, on the concave part, as well as the flat, which is non-slip. To enhance your balance, increase your strength and endurance and improve your body posture.

Any person with a good physical condition can practice Bosu as long as there are no previous injuries or medical indications that prevent it. An ideal exercise to practice at home in our spare time, as long as we do not have time or money to go to a specialized sports center. It is recommended if you are one of those who do not usually do physical activities on a regular basis, is that you attend guided sessions before you start using it. There, the monitors and specialists will indicate the type of exercises that are most recommended based on your physical condition, and the intensity at which you must do them to avoid the risk of possible injuries.

The success and the key of this exercise lie in the balance, since, when performing the training on an unstable base, we get to tone part of our muscles, mainly the abdominal area. For all this it can be used in cardiovascular workouts, Pilates, yoga and even for the rehabilitation of injuries.

By exercising our body with the Bosu we get both physical and mental benefits.

The main physical benefits are achieved because the Bosu practice is performed on an unstable surface. Said benefits, among others, would be the following:

  • Toning of the body in general and increase of muscular resistance through the strengthening of the musculature of the abdominal, pelvic area, legs, feet, ankles, glutes, back and trunk.
  • Greater and better elasticity, flexibility, agility and coordination.
  • By improving our position, helps the prevention and recovery of injuries and prevents ailments in the lumbar and cervical areas.

Since it is about aerobic exercises, it contributes to weight loss.

As far as the mental plane is concerned, like most physical exercises, Bosu also increases the secretion of endorphins, which greatly favors our general well-being. In addition, it reduces stress and improves our ability to concentrate.

The usual thing is that the duration of these sessions oscillate between 45 and 60 minutes. To maintain our good physical tone, it is sufficient to make an average of three weekly sessions.

The most common exercises when using the Bosu are:

Balance on one leg: consists of putting one foot in the center of the semicircle and, at the same time, lifting the opposite leg. With this we can improve our stability in the area of ​​the trunk and pelvis and increase our ability to concentrate.

Sentadillas: Strengthens the thighs and buttocks and is performed with the feet on the apparatus and located at the distance of the hips. The knees are then bent, always making sure that the back is erect, and then returning to the initial position.

Dynamic background: we stand in front of the Bosu and take a step forward to put one foot in the center of the apparatus, then bend the knee while maintaining the upper area of ​​the body stable.

Abdominals: other quite frequent exercises are the abdominals that are usually performed sitting on the semicircle and with the legs stretched out in the air.

Arms: support the hands in the center of the bosu, separated to the measure of your shoulders. Stretch your legs and get on the iron. Keeping your back straight, without arching, bend your arms down as far as you can. Re-stretch them.

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